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Wednesday, October 5

2002 Kia Sedona

Well, here it is. Our new-ish vehicle. I've been wanting a mini-van, but I didn't expect it under these circumstances.

My wife's car didn't pass its smog test, and we really need two. I go to work several hours earlier than she does, before she or the kids are even out of bed. She needs a car to take them to drop them off before she goes to work, and I need one to get them after work.

I convinced my wife to buy a bicycle for us to share instead. I'd ride it to work, then down to her job, get the car, and pick up the kids. It would have saved us ALOT of money, if I could have ridden it far enough. Alas, its been a long time since I rode. I only made it three blocks before turning around and struggling back home. That was Sunday night.

I scurried around Monday checking out the places we didn't get to over the weekend. We ended up going back to the one we looked at first on Friday evening. What a waste of time.

But, we have a mini-van. And a new bike.

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