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Monday, July 19

Militant Christianity versus militant Islam

IHT: Nicholas D. Kristof: Militant Christianity versus militant Islam
This was interesting to read. I thought it was about nominal Christians somewhere slaughtering Muslims because of racial differences. It was not. Did you knot that the conclusion to the Left Behind series, "Glorious Appearing," is actually a tract teaching religious intolerance?
Really! At least he said that we won't be crashing airplanes into buildings after reading this. Thats good to know.
Here's another question he brings up: "Could devout fundamentalists really enjoy paradise as their friends, relatives and neighbors were heaved into hell?" Well, yes. I think that the presence of God will eclipse the absence of others. Its also the reason we are 'evangelical.' We don't want them to go to hell. So we tell them about Jesus and salvation, and we pray for them, and invite them to church. We but them and make pests out of ourselves, all in the hope that they won't be 'heaved into hell' for all eternity.
Tracts on intolerance, or encouragement to evangelism? I guess it depends on your world-view to begin with.

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