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Saturday, May 12

Another Day, Another 15 minutes

Wow. What a day its been.

I got up at 4:45, and was at work by 6:15, or so. I grabbed a vanilla bean frappucino with caramel drizzle on the way in, and enjoyed that for a while.

My co-worker called in saying she was going to be late. Thats okay, I thought. Saturday mornings aren't usually that bad. Boy oh boy. I went to bed around 11, my normal time, but I was so tired this morning. The only thing keeping me going is adrenaline and momentum. I stopped to eat lunch, and was afraid it was going to do me in.

I've registered probably 8 patients this morning, which isn't terribly bad. A little above normal, maybe. But two or three are brand new, plus a couple accidents. Makes for a busy morning. I had two ambulances at once, and when I was done there were 4 charts in the basket waiting to be registered.

I went to lunch instead. Ashley did them all. She's still doing them. Ruth is on lunch, so I'm on the internet. I needed a break, since I'm here till 7 tonight. Ugh.

And it just keeps going.

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