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Friday, March 27

Wake the Dead

If its too loud, well, then you must be too old.

Doesn't this just sound like some young punk making excuses to play his music as loud as he wants?  He's laying the blame on those he's offending, instead of taking the blame for being the offender.  After all, this is America, the land of the free ... free to do whatever I want.  Even if it means inconviencing someone else.  "I can listen to what I want, as loud as I want.  If you don't want your kids hearing these lyrics, take them somewhere else.  If you don't want them to see me dressed this why, go somewhere else.  If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk."

But, hey, wait a second.  Don't some of these words sound a lot like what Jesus said?  Jesus came to "Wake the Dead" and the apostle Paul said "Wake up you sleepy heads".  They sound pretty close to biblical quotations to me.  (Of course, if you've read my blog, you'll know that most everything I see or hear has a biblical lesson in it somewhere.  This one comes closer than many others though.)

I don't think anyone would call Jesus and Paul 'young punks' making excuses for their behaviour.  However, they do lay blame on those they offend.  "If you don't like my message ... If you don't like my lifestyle ... "  Well, the truth is, if the Truth offends you, you must prefer lies.  You must be "old and dead" and set in your ways.

Jesus spoke very harsh words to the Pharisees.  He called them golden cups filled with filth, and beautiful, white-washed sarcophagi filled with dead-mens bones and cobwebs.   Yes, his words were offensive.  His lifestyle condemned their own, because his was righteous, and their's wasn't.  In effect, Jesus said "If my message is too loud, then you must be too old."

So, to all my fellow Christians  --  Turn It Up!

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