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Sunday, July 9

U.S. House Bill on Persecution in China Draws Fire | Christian News Online , Christian World News

"'The Chinese government protects the freedom of religious beliefs of citizens in accordance with the law,' Jiang said. 'After reform and opening up ... we have made great progress in our human rights and people's livelihoods. This is obvious for all to see.'

Yes, it is obvious for all to see. Thats why we can condemn their actions, because finally they're obvious to even the blindest lawmaker. "China maintains tight control over all religions. Those who attend underground Protestant or Catholic churches routinely face detention, harassment and sometimes imprisonment." What, its called freedom because I can attend church, but it has to be the one controlled and owned by the goverment? They appoint pastors, then tell them what to preach. They have spies attend church to take names and report on them. And this is the official church! Imagine what they do to members of unofficial churches.

They said that the U.S. needs to stop interfering in "internal affairs under the pretext of religious affairs and human rights." There is the key difference. In American, the individual is highly valued. Not so in China. It is the Government and the Party that are paramount. I agree on the point of not interfering in internal affairs. No one else should tell us how to tax or set our speed limits or vote. Thats government. But we have no right to crush down the individual citizens of our country.

I was going to say "I can't believe China said that," but, unfortunately, I can believe.

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