Obama tones down National Day of Prayer observance - CNN.com
"I think the president understands, in his own life and in his family's life, the role that prayer plays."
Sweet. I'm so glad he understands the role of prayer. Um, I wonder what that role is? Does it draw him closer to God? Does he seek guidance for our country from the Creator of the Universe? Or is prayer just a way of linking himself to the powerful Christian voting block? (I wonder if/when we'll ever elect an openly Islamic president? Or New Ager? Or an atheist?)
Wait a second. I seem to remember a few things from the Old Testament. What is the role of prayer in the national life? Do you remember Moses calling the people together for national prayer? The prophets? One of the greatest national revivals they had was when King Josiah called them to Jerusalem for repentance and consecration.
Being a "free" country means that our government cannot force us to engage in a particular religious practice. That was why so many fled from Europe in the first place: religious freedom. And now, we have religious anarchy (which I don't think was the Founding Fathers original intent). We have the freedom to exercise religion in almost any fashion we see fit.
Almost. There are still stories of people who practice voodoo, or some-such, and they get in trouble for killing animals. Cruel and inhumane behaviour towards those who aren't human. Oh, and drug use. There is still some wrangling going on over drug use during some ceremonies. But, these are things that most people frown on, so our government condemns them.
Our government steps in and tells people what not to do in certain cases. Isn't that what
God is accused of doing? A great big list of don'ts? What about all the do's in the Bible? Do pray. Do spend time with other believers. Do be kind to the less fortunate. Do take care of widows and orphans. Do feed the hungry. The list could go on.
Does our goverment have a right to tell us what to do? In certain cases, yes. Do pay your taxes. Do wear a seat belt. And religious practices?
Maybe thats one of the problems with our country. Our leadership has not lead us into His presence. National Day of Weeping and Repentance. National Day of Rending Our Clothes and Confessing National Sins. The way our government is set up, these things can not happen. And I think our country is worse off for it.
What would happen if he led our country into a time of national prayer, like Israel of old?