My daughter announced two days ago she's decided what she wants to be for Halloween: a pirate. A splendid, romantic idea, except for the fact that pirates are foul thieves and murderers. Historically speaking, they terrorized the Caribbean and coastal waters of the southern United States. Go a bit further back in history, and you'll see they were employed by the English, French, and Spanish in warfare against each other. Today, the problem is arising again off the east coast of Africa. I don't think I want my daughter even pretending to be a Somali warlord.

She also said she'd like to be a "Bratz." Okay, a cool little doll, like a modern Barbie. But, Bratz appear to be spoiled little girls who dress like tramps. My opinion only. I don't play with them, or watch them on tv. But, the dolls I see ... well, that's too grown up for an eight year old. I don't think I want to see her dressing like a Brat either.

Her third choice: She like to dress up like a bride ........

Suddenly, a pirate doesn't sound so bad.
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