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Monday, July 19

Bible Study-Jeremiah 31

Jeremiah 31.14

“I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance,
And My people will be satisfied with My goodness,” declares the Lord.

That sounds wonderful. More so than a land flowing with milk and honey. When our priests, preachers, pastors and teachers are filled like this, it overflows into the hearts of the congregation, into the lives of the people.
These people need to lead from the front, and not herding from behind. Its true that you cannot lift another higher than you are yourself. So, I cannot lead my family to places I have not been myself.
There was a skit I watched once. Two girls came out with empty baskets in their hands and stood on the platform. One was too eager/too much in a hurry to wait on the Lord and rushed out to give the congregation imagianary donoughts. The other knelt down, put her basket aside, and prayed. "I have nothing to give these people until you fill my basket. Please bless me and be with me today so that I can minister to Your people. Amen." When she stood up, her basket was filled with donoughts, which she promptly gave away to those sitting on her side of the church. These were much happier people than those who got the imaginary donoughts. The skit effectively made its point.
Before the people can be satisfied with the Lord's goodness, the hearts of His leaders must be filled with His abundance.

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