We, the people of California, voted to approve Prop 8, defining marriage as one man, one woman. We did this a few years ago, but the Supreme Court overturned the will of the people, saying it was unconstitutional.
Now, we have amended our constitution, and the same group is challenging it. Their argument is that this is not an amendment, but a fundamental change. If this is the case, then our legislature needs to approve it.
So, in two separate votes the people of California have spoken. And, it doesn't appear to matter what we desire. Our choices go through the same small group of people to evaluate and approve.
Its like we are children, and they are parents, teachers, or mentors. We don't know whats best for us. They do. We can state our desires, but they will chose whether we can have them or not.
Legalize gay marriage, abortion, and marijuana. But you can't stand up and state that there are Absolutes. Moral truths.
I thought that we lived in a country governed "by the people, for the people." Not from where I stand. My voice has been silenced. I am governed, but I have no say in it, because I am not a judge in San Francisco.
If you are not liberal in your outlooks, you are silenced and ignored.
Thursday, November 20
Prop 8 and the People
Posted by
DM Dad
11/20/2008 09:57:00 AM
Labels: constitution, marriage, politics, Prop 8, religion
Sunday, November 9
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
We have so much to be thankful for, yet we take most of it for granted. Christians around the world are persecuted horribly for their faith. The fighting in Sudan, north vs south, is also Arab Muslim vs African Christians. The Christians now have oil, and the Muslims want it.
In India, in the last 60 days, 60 Christians have died, 18,000 injured, 4,500 homes and churches burned, and 50,000 homeless.
In China, all churches must register. Once registered, the government tells you what to preach, who your pastor will be, etc. Of course, Christians don't get promotions, or good jobs, or any kind of assistance. Children under 18 are not allowed to go to church, receive any sort of religious education, or read a bible.
In some 'Christian' nations, the predominate church, whether it be Orthodox or Catholic, pressures the local government to restrict the activities of evangelical churches. No in-home bible studies. No public revival meetings. Things like that are used to keep their hold on the people.
Whether it be atheist, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or other Christians, this is all persecution. We need to remember our brothers and sister in chains.
Posted by
DM Dad
11/09/2008 12:20:00 PM
Saturday, November 8
Another Test
I just added another gadget to my igoogle page, that allows me to post to my blogs from right here.
This is a test to see if it works.
Posted by
DM Dad
11/08/2008 03:27:00 PM
Wednesday, November 5
First Day of Prayer for Barack
I signed up for the 77 Days of Prayer, which is for the 77 days between the election and the inauguration. This first day focuses on God's sovereignty. This is something I needed to hear.
We put our trust in You to use the President-Elect—and every personI trust in God, and so I will trust him with this election. I have to believe that this is the man God wants elected, or else I believe that 51% of the American voters thwarted the will of God.
chosen yesterday—to serve Your great and high purposes for our nation.
Which do you believe? Romans 8 says that God uses everything for the good of those who love him. This is something to be grateful for: I believe that Barack will be a blessing for the world in God's hands.
I'm human, and I don't see how on earth this is possible. But what is impossible on earth is possible in heaven.
Posted by
DM Dad
11/05/2008 04:21:00 PM