Wired News: Senate Says Yes to Stem Cells
The Senate passed a bill that would increase federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research. It sounds okay, but stem cells come from dead babies. Okay, fetus is politically correct, but 'dead baby' is more accurate.
There are other sources now. We can explore and improve our understanding of these alternates, and not have to resort to embryonic stem cells.
"Actress Mary Tyler Moore was very disappointed by Bush's stance.
'This is an intelligent human being with a heart, and I don't see how much longer he can deny those aspects of himself,' she said."
Funny thing is, Bush does have a heart.
"The simple answer is he thinks murder's wrong," said White House spokesman Tony Snow. "The president is not going to get on the slippery slope of taking something living and making it dead for the purposes of scientific research."
Our president does have a heart. Thats why he is so involved in world politics (e.g.--the war in Iraq), and why he refuses to be involved in embryonic stem-cell research. There are many people who may benefit from new findings, but many more infants who will never enjoy a single day playing in the park with their daddies.
Whether he can walk or not.