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Friday, December 30

The New Tolerance

It's amazing how things all dove-tail together at once. I got off track concerning Lamentations 2.14, then I pick up a book titled The New Tolerance. I read a few chapters, when I got this email from a friend.

It shall be well with you this year. No matter how much your enemies try this year, they will not succeed. You have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals this year. For the remaining months of the year, your problems will enter Call blocking, your enemies will have network problems and their bad wishes for you will enter into voicemail and you will only get them as missed calls. All your agonies will be diverted and victory and prosperity will be your incoming calls! Heavens have confirmed today the end of your sufferings sorrows and pains because HE that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you JOY. He will never let you down. I knocked at heavens door this morning, God asked me... My child!, what can I do for you? And I said, Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message... God smiled and answered... Request granted.

Its amazing, isn't it, how much this sounds like a prophecy from Jeremiah's contemporaries. "Peace, peace." Its nice to hear these things, and wonderful to believe. But dangerous.

All my problems will be gone? All my enemies will become friends? An end to sufferings, sorrow, pain, and hardship? I don't think so.

The new tolerance states that we need cannot judge, but must be tolerant and accepting of others values and beliefs. So? This means the Muslims', Buddhists', and atheists' beliefs, values, and lifestyles are all equally true and valid. Which in turn means I have no higher moral ground to stand upon in which to judge them.

Well, sure, I don't want to condemn them, but their values and lifestyles are not based on Truth. The fool has sad there is no god, but for me to point this out is "politically incorrect" and "culturally insensitive". In effect, our message has been emasculated. The Gospel is no longer good news, merely another news outlet. I can no longer say that abortion is sin, homosexuals go to hell, or that Mohammed was delusional, or sincerely deceived.

What about that sweet email? That is what we are reduced to sending each other. False and foolish seductions that don't set the captives free.

It is true that we are worried about offending our friends, so we don't speak the truth in fear of harming our friendship. Yet, it is coming to the point where we will not be allowed to speak the truth in our own blogs, or from our own pulpits. The though police will be watching and listening to correct us, much like in China.

I don't want to live in China, so, thanks for the email, but I prefer to hear the truth.

Tuesday, December 20

Bush w/ a Sword

"'The American people expect me to do everything in my power, under our laws and Constitution, to protect them and our civil liberties,' he said."

So, President Bush thinks he can spy on the American people? He thinks we want him to this?

Sure, I say, I've got nothing to hide. If someone spies on me, what are they going to find? I read too much, and spend too much time online. I'm a good worker, but I spend a little more than I bring in. I've got smart, beautiful kids and a good marriage. The FBI/CIA/NSA can put that in their official records.

Our government was established by God, and given power, a sword, to punish the wicked and reward the good. What have I to fear from my president if I don't cross the line? Nothing. Yet, if I take the sword out of his hand, he can no longer protect me from the evil that lies outside our borders.

And if the evil has crept into our borders, he needs to use it on our own people. Those who would turn against us are not of us anyway. They have become the enemy, and should fear him.

Beware, Bush has a sword, and he's not afraid to us it.

Monday, December 19

Diet Coke or Mountain Dew

There is a commercial I saw a few times for a new diet Coke. Coke Zero, or something like that. "Tastes just like real Coke!" the actor exulted.

Really? And he's proud of that? Ewww. There are lots of people proud of their low status, too. "Gay/Lesbian Pride" for example. How about a high tolerance for alcohol? How about 'tolerance' for just about anything?

I remember reading a verse in Proverbs about making heroes out of those who mix drinks. It was the same month Tom Cruise's movie Cocktail came out. Who were the heroes? Bartenders. What kind of sense does that make?

We have made heroes out of many people in so many professions. Why do we idolize sports figures, actors, and musicians? I have a theory.

Those we look up to are those we seek to emulate. Which is easier--the professional athlete, or the doctor? Either you're born to be 6'6" with muscles all over, or you're not. You can influence this somewhat, but not that much. How about being a doctor/nurse/etc? Go to school and learn. There are some who cannot learn, but not that many. I beleive most people, if they tried could achieve a college education (assuming they have the financial capability, which isn't always true.)

When our heroes have high standards, it is easier to pick someone else rather than try to live up to their standards. Why not become a Christian? It's too hard being Christ-like, all those "do's and don't's." Billy Graham or Brad Pitt? Whose richer? Whose holier? Which is easier?

Besides, when we fail because of genetic pre-disposition, its easy to explain our failures as not being our fault. I could never play basketball because I'm only 5'2". I didn't get the breaks to be another Michael Jordan. Its not my fault.

But God has given me everything I need to be holy. His Holy Word explains what He desires, Jesus modeled it, and the Holy Spirit gives the strength I need. What is the reason for failure? I didn't try.

Which is easier to live with? Its not my fault, because I'm short. Or it is my fault, because I failed to try.

Am I going to strive for excellence (like Mountain Dew), or settle for mediocrity (tastes just like Coke)?

Friday, December 16

'Christmas under Siege around the World'--Say What?

"While the public expression of Christmas is being debated in heated cases across the states, millions of Christians around the world and their religious freedom are literally under attack."

I'm sorry. Did I miss something here? Since when does Christmas equal Christian? Don't get me wrong. The birth of my Saviour is very important to me. I believe He is human, born of a Virgin. I believe He lived, died, and rose again. To relieve me of my debt of sin.

What I don't believe is that Christmas itself, is an integral part of being a Christian. "Keep the Sabbath." "Love the Lord your God." "Love your neighbor." "Pray." "Fast." These are all part of the Christian life. Christmas is not.

My inlaws do not celebrate Christmas, for deeply held Christian reasons. They dug through the Bible, and truly believe it is a pagan holiday that true Christians should have no part of.

My parents, on the other hand, know that its deepest roots are truly to be found in paganism, but believe that it has been redeemed, and they celebrate with joy the birth of Jesus.

My wife and I did not celebrate it for the first decade of our marriage. My first year away from home showed me how shallow my vision of it was. Without close friends and family, Christmas was empty and hollow. Nothingness wrapped in lights and tinsel and bright paper. But we pushed through, and celebrate a little now. A simple tree, a few gifts, not a lot. But more than abhorrence and derision.

Anyway, that was all beside the point, really. My point being, this article makes it sound like the 'attack' against Christmas is a form of persecution. (If you look deep enough and see Satan behind all forms of persecution, then this is true.)

But honestly, can I truly put myself in the same boat as North Korean Christians because my son can't pray at school. Or we can't put a manger on the city hall lawn? The 100 million christians in China are ecstatic they know someone who know someone who has seen a bible once. (Okay, that's a little exageration. But just a little one.)

Christmas is fun, but if you take it away, I'm still a Christian. Take away my Bible, my church, my family and my job because I'm a Christian, then I'm being persecuted. Take away my life, then I'm a martyr.

Please, for the sake our Brothers and Sisters in Chains around the world, don't confuse Christmas with Christianity.

Tuesday, December 6

Ghorban is a Christian martyr

“O people, remember that Ghorban is a Christian martyr who laid down his life for the sake of Christ,” she said, according to VOM.

“I now have realized how real Jesus and the Christian life was for Ghorban, that he was willing to give his life for His sake.”

This was his wife speaking. Someone called, asking to meet him at the park, to seek knowledge of Jesus. The anonymous man never showed up, and when Ghorban showed up, three men attacked him. They stabbed him in the stomach, back, and throat. "This is what happens to infidels," they said.

What do we say? Praise God. The death of his saints is precious in his eyes. I thank God for another martyr. Maybe his death will move me to be more Christ-like.

Remember Ghorban, and pray "that God will use Ghorban’s death to bring about a great revival among Turkmen people."

Monday, December 5

Indian Christians Homeless after Recent Burnings

Indian Surprisingly, eight Christians from the village have been arrested by the police and are being held in custody

Surprised? This happened in India. So I'm not really surprised. India is a repressive nation where this happens alot.

You know what is surprising? Hindu extremists burned 15 homes down while they were at church. When they got out of church, the Christians were beaten, and eight of them arrested.

What?! Does that make any sense? Not to me. You know what else? I bet the majority of the American Church will never hear about this incident.

That is even sadder.