The Vikings, winners of three straight thanks to some very unlikely late rallies, were just issued a 77-page manual on proper behavior, covering everything from lewd and lascivious conduct to smoking. ''Basically everything was, 'Be smart,' '' Marcus Robinson said. ''Just be smart about everything you do, on and off the field.'' It took 77 pages for that? Must be a really big font.
Funny thing, that. The more prosperous and successful we are, the more we tend to ignore rules. It doesn't matter if you're a child, like my adorable 4-year-old girl who is so cute she can get away with a lot, or a really rich public figure, like a football player, or an ex-president.
Eventually, we all run into a wall called authority. Someone above us tries to remind us of reality. "You can't do that! You say everyone is doing it? That's because they're all following your example!"
The Vikings published a 77-page pamphlet on proper behaviour. It was boiled down to 'Be Smart.' Oh yeah, Jesus said it better. "Love God. Love your neighbor."
Talk about large font, is that big enough for you.