"That this view had perfectly set him loose from the world, and kindled in him such a love for GOD..." Isn't that wonderful.
Yes, its something I desire for myself, and my family. I want us to be wholly devoted to, and sacrificed to, God. I can, theoretically, spend the whole day in prayer. As I meet people at the hospital, I can say a silent prayer for their ills, or their personal/family life. Believe me, I've seen more ... um ... bad things ... than I believed possible. Yet they keep coming. And I could pray for them. Be in constant dialogue with our Father. I don't, as of yet. Its an aspect of my life I need to work on still.
Reading the Bible, memorizing, witnessing, fellowshipping with fellow saints: these are more difficult. I begin to understand Paul when he said that a soldier doesn't entangle himself with the affairs of the world. And Jesus' statement about hating your family becomes clear. At times, if I'm going to have quiet time, alone with God, I have to tell my beloved wife and darling children to just get lost and leave me alone. "God is more important than you," may be a true statement, but I just haven't brought myself to say it yet.
Brother Lawrence had an epiphany at the age of eighteen. A love and desire for God consumed him from that day on it seems. Thats wonderful for him. I don't want to sacrifice my family, but I do want them to be consumed in their own flames of devotion to God. But, I have to be on fire before they can catch on fire too.
Sunday, September 25
Posted by
DM Dad
9/25/2005 05:37:00 AM
Saturday, September 24
The Practice of the Presence of God is a favorite of mine. I'm glad I found it online here. I'm hoping to read through it in the mornings and comment on it. Reading is good, but having to think deeply enough about a topic in order to talk knowledgebly about it requires true understanding.
Read slow, read deep.
Posted by
DM Dad
9/24/2005 08:58:00 PM
Friday, September 23
WOW! Isn't my son incredible?! I know, they're simple words, but he's only in first grade. He's had three or four tests now, and hasn't missed a single word yet.
Posted by
DM Dad
9/23/2005 10:32:00 PM
Off of Reading
The American Spectator has an article about a man who can't read anymore. Not that he's illiterate, or blind. He's just burnt out on it for a while, which really is too bad. I know how he feels.
He stuck watching tv. A lot of sports, from baseball and football to tennis and golf. I'd have to be pretty desparate before I watched tennis or golf. Its hard navigating through the channels avoiding news and reality tv. That doesn't leave a whole lot to watch.
Not able to read. Its tough. I have a lot of books. My father-in-law hates helping us move because of all the books we have. But every once in a while, nothing sounds good. What shoud I read now? Philosophy, or fantasy? Biography or mystery? The list goes on and on and on. Read something new, or an old favorite. There just isn't enough time.
ON my desk, right now, I have a chronological bible and three daily devotional guides. But its hard to get into them. Mornings are my best times. Its quiet, I'm awake, and the kids are awake. So is my wife. All I have to do is get myself ready, but I still don't usually pick up the bible to read it. I want something that feels more exciting.
But, every time I open it back up, I enjoy reading it. No matter where I turn, its good. Maybe not thrilling adventure on every page, but its there too. Philiosophy, biography, adventure, and everything else I desire.
Its time to stop "feeling" and just do it.
Posted by
DM Dad
9/23/2005 05:32:00 AM
Monday, September 19
My daughter just turned 4. And she is all girl. She loves clothes. She loves shoes. She loves pretty outfits, purses, ponies, Barbie, Bratz, and princesses of all shapes and sizes. Happy Birthday to her.
Posted by
DM Dad
9/19/2005 06:24:00 PM